How to Use Your Memory to be More Successful & The Secrets of Loving Couples

Something You Should Know - En podcast af Mike Carruthers | OmniCast Media


Couples should have a date night. That’s common advice to help keep the romance alive in long term relationships. But interestingly, “couple time” is not the highest quality time couples can have. In fact it doesn’t even come in second. Listen as I explain another way couples can spend their time that is much more rewarding. Do you know how to make your memory work to your advantage? If you have ever had your memory fail at exactly the wrong time, listen to my guest Michael Tipper, author of the book Instant Recall ( Michael won the silver medal in the World Memory Championship by remembering 9 decks of playing cards in order! He joins me to offer some excellent techniques to help you understand and use your memory to your best advantage.  You know that little front pocket that sits inside the big front pocket on blue jeans? Do you know why it is there and what it is for? The idea for that pocket came from Levi Strauss and when you listen you will hear what the original intended use was – which by the way is pretty much obsolete today. There are a lot of people in relationships who are not getting what they want from their partner. Why is that? What happens in relationships that results in that seemingly inevitable path of negativity, criticism and conflict – and how do you fix it? Harville Hendrix has been working with couples for a long time to help them break free from the negativity that so often takes over in long term relationships. Harville is a practicing therapist and author of several books including the newly revised version of Getting the Love You Want ( which was a huge bestseller when it first came out several years ago. He joins me to reveal what causes relationships to go off-track and how to instantly change how couples interact so the negativity stops. This Week's Sponsors -LinkedIn. Go to to get $50 off your first job post -ADT. Go to to learn how ADT can design and install a smart home system for you. -Select Quote. Go to for your free quote today. -Calming Comfort. Go to and use promo code : something - to get $15 off at checkout. -Care/Of Vitamins. For 50% off your first month of personalized Care/of vitamins, go to and enter promo code: something50.  -Trip Actions. Go to to complete a 30 minute demo and receive a $100Amazon gift card. -Geico. Go to for your free quote. -Postmates. For $100 free delivery credit, download the app and use the code: something. -Purple Get a free Purple pillow with the purchase of a mattress. Just text "Something" to 79-79-79.

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