The Science of Achieving Your Goals & The Truth Behind Double Dipping and the 5-Second Rule
Something You Should Know - En podcast af Mike Carruthers | OmniCast Media
When you look at old holiday photos, you will notice something is definitely missing – and it is something you really wish was there. I begin this episode of the podcast with that missing ingredient and advice on how to put it back in to your photos for this Christmas and in the future. (Cheryl Lightle author of “The Creative Memories Way ) How often have you started something but never finished? How often have you said you wanted to accomplish something but never actually got around to starting it? It turns out these are very common experiences. Jon Acuff, author of the book Finish: Give Yourself the Gift of Done ( researched the science of setting and achieving goals. He joins me to explain where people go wrong and how to set and reach goals that are truly important to you. Is the 5-Second Rule true? Is double dipping really so bad? How gross is it to eat birthday cake after someone blows out the candles? I explore all of these questions about food and germs and illness with scientist and Clemson University professor Paul Dawson, author of the book Did You Just Eat That? ( You probably don’t use punctuation when you write a text to someone. But maybe you should – sometimes. Listen as I explain why certain punctuation can make you sound more sincere and other punctuation makes you sound less sincere. And what’s interesting is it only applies to texts, not to any other type of written communication. This Week's Sponsors –BetterHelp For 10% off your first month of counseling go to, promo code SOMETHING –Stitch Fix For an additional 25% off when you keep all the items in your box go to -Calming Comfort Blanket. For 15% off the posted price of this incredible blanket to help you sleep better, go to and use the promo code SOMETHING.