Why You Believe Some People but Not Others & How to Finish What’s Really Important to You

Something You Should Know - En podcast af Mike Carruthers | OmniCast Media


Smile! Smiling turns out to be really good for you in a lot of ways. This episode begins with an explanation of all the benefits of smiling more often. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ericsavitz/2011/03/22/the-untapped-power-of-smiling/#23fc80fc7a67 Why do we find ourselves listening to and paying attention to some people but not others? What makes certain people seemingly more credible? It turns out there are subtle characteristics (in fact 8 of them) that make some people more credible and believable than others – and it has nothing to do with the message they are delivering. Researcher Stephen Martin joins me to discuss this fascinating topic. Stephen is a visiting professor of behavioral science at Columbia University and author of the book Messengers: Who We Listen To. Who We Don’t. And Why. (https://amzn.to/2MDAtej)  There is a simple question you should always ask your doctor whenever you go to see him or her. The answer to the question could save your life or at least keep you from getting sick. Listen to discover this all important question. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702303918804579107202360565642.html?mod=wsj_share_tweet All of us have some project we want to accomplish yet never seem to. And it is always there in the back of your mind nagging you to finish it or least start it. Well if you would like to get the nagging to stop, listen to my guest Charlie Gilkey. He is the founder of Productive Flourishing, a website that helps people tackle and finish the things that matters – and he is author of the book Start Finishing: How to Go from Idea to Done (https://amzn.to/33t5dp6). Charley has some proven ways to help you get to those projects – or let them go. This Week’s Sponsors   -SimpliSafe. Get free shipping and a money back guarantee go to www.SimpliSafe.com/something -Forevernote. For $25 off go to www.Forevernote.com and use the promo code: something -LinkedIn. For $50 off you first job post, go to www.LinkedIn.com/podcast –Airbnb. To learn more about being an Airbnb host visit www.Airbnb.com/host -Babbel. Get 6 months for the price of 3 when you use the promo code SYSK at www.Babbel.com 

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