420 | 8 Advanced SPANISH Expressions with Fruits and Vegetables

🥳Today I’m going to teach you 8 expressions that may not make sense, but if you use them in Spanish you will sound like a native speaker. 🤯Por ejemplo, “Fresco como lechuga” Significa estar bien, saludable, tranquilo. Así como las lechugas frescas. 😌Stay and learn all these phrases to surprise your friends. 🔉¡Vamos a aprender!   📄Descarga el PDF con las notas y ejemplos aquí: https://spanishlandschool.com/8-advanced-spanish-expressions-with-fruits-and-vegetables-cheat-sheet-pdf/   ¿Quieres tomar clases con nuestras tutoras colombianas?  Registrate aquí:  https://spanishlandschool.com/classes/ Ellas son divertidas, pacientes y preparan las clases de acuerdo a tus necesidades.    💬Déjame tu comentario usando alguna de estas expresiones💗  

Om Podcasten

The Spanishland School Podcast is a Spanish Learning Podcast designed to teach you Spanish in 10 minutes or less. This Spanish Podcast is targeted towards Intermediate and Advanced Spanish students as it is primarily spoken in clear, Latin American Spanish from our “profesora principal” Andrea Alger. Andrea is a native Spanish teacher from Colombia with a specialization in linguistics and has many years of experience teaching Spanish to students of all ages. Each episode is structured in a way that is fun to listen to and has concise, actionable teaching to give you the training you need to level up your Spanish fluency. The ultimate goal of the Podcast is to give you the Spanish tips and teaching you need to starting thinking and speaking like a native Spanish speaker. We want you to hear the language, be immersed in it, and understand it in a way that you leave each episode with a greater confidence to engage the Spanish speaking world around you. When you take time to listen to our Spanish Podcast, we know that you will start to learn Spanish like you never have before as you bust through the intermediate plateau. Now jump in and get started!