#2. Learn How & When to Use the "Verb to Be" | Aprenda Como e Quando Usar o "Verb to Be"

Discover once and for all when & how to use the "Verb to Be". After this lesson, you will be able to use the verb to be in affirmative, negative, and questions in different contexts.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Descubra de uma vez por todas quando e como usar o "Verb to Be". Após esta aula, você será capaz de usar o "verb to be "em afirmativo, negativo e perguntas em diferentes contextos.   Share the podcast with people who want to become fluent in English. Until next time! Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RRhjzoHfkwg&t=26s

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Welcome to Speak Now English Academy podcast! This is a modern way to learn how to speak English efficiently. This podcast's been created to help you become fluent in English by practicing your listening and speaking skills. Our academy wants to keep empowering you, hoping to boost your energy to keep moving towards the objectives you have in life within the English language! Climb every mountain, feel every moment. Speak Now!