EP:009 Julie Austin

Julie Austin is an award-winning author, inventor and futurist. Her patented product, swiggies, wrist water bottles, have been a NASDAQ product of the year semi finalist and are currently sold in 24 countries. Julie and her products have appeared on The Today Show, The Queen Latifa Show, HGTV, Lifetime, Inc.magazine, Fast Company, ABC, CBS, NBC, and FOX News, along with dozens of TV shows, magazines and radio shows around the world. She's a "go-to" media expert in the fields of innovation & creativity, giving keynotes for Fortune 500 companies, and is featured in the books "Patently Female" and "Girls Think of Everything". As the CEO of Speaker Sponsor she feels Sponsorship is a valuable way for companies to get their message in front of a very targeted audience. And it’s a way for you to get paid for your hard work by bringing them as much value as possible. The more, the better. It’s a win-win for everyone. WHAT IS SPEAKERS ON SPEAKING Insightful interviews with TOP SPEAKERS, SPEAKING COACHES and THOUGHT LEADERS in the Speaking Business. ABOUT THE HOST Antwon Lincoln has  over a decade of experience as a presenter, presenting to a wide range of audiences at conferences, educational agencies, non-profits, and universities.  LISTEN TO  EPISODE 000 HEAR MORE ABOUT THE SHOW AND HIM!

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Speakers On Speaking is a podcast created for you, the Aspiring Speaker. If you are looking for an inspirational, motivational and actionable interviews with professional speakers who will provide insights and tips about the speaking business and help you launch your speaking career with tips and strategies, look no further. Subscribe to this weekly interview-based show where Antwon Lincoln (the host) interviews some the HOTTEST speakers in the speaking business. Be a part of a community and share!