Why David Sakimoto at GitLab Pushes for ABM for Customer Success

David Sakimoto (VP of Customer Success at Gitlab) joined the ABM Done Right Podcast to discuss:1. The state of customer success in most organizations -- what are they doing right, where are they getting it wrong, and where do challenges exist. 2.  Why many customer success teams struggle to keep VP and C-suite engagement after the deal is closed and where the process, conversation, and experience gaps lie that are keeping teams from retaining and expanding key accounts.3. Why he's pushing for ABM for customer success and what his vision is on how it would help his team retain and expand key accounts. 4. The account-based enablement that would help his teams improve the experiences they deliver to the human buyers in the accounts they want to protect and expand?

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As ITSMA and TechTarget report that 66% of ABM programs underperform, Kristina Jaramillo (President of Personal ABM) and Eric Gruber (CEO of Personal ABM) talk to sales and marketing leaders about what's working, what's not working, and how ABM needs to evolve. Along with account-based sales and marketing insights from Kristina and Eric, you will learn from leadership at Challenger, Demandbase, Okta, Uniphore, Alyce, Highspot, Gong, Critical Start, Longbow Advantage, Proof Analytics, Narrative Science, and many others. Come back each week for new content as we try to share new podcasts each Monday or Tuesday. This podcast is hosted by Personal ABM. You can learn more by going to PersonalABM.com