storytelling with data podcast: #61 AI, quantified self, and fingernails
storytelling with data podcast - En podcast af storytelling with data

SWD storytellers Simon and Mike offer their thoughts on how the recent advancements in AI tools may transform the way we analyze and communicate with data. They also discuss some of their favorite entries and interesting themes from the most recent SWD challenge on the quantified self. related links: Website: SWD challenge A year of fitness by Evelina Judeikyte Number of steps in 2022 by Iris van Bussel Reads 2022 by Kirti Vardhan Rathore My 10 Years of Book Reading by Sibi Maran Cook more, eat less meat: Is my good resolution for 2023 being kept? by Line Ton That Water Usage by Rob Reid Personal Carbon Footprint by George-Alexandru Gavrilovici Meditation Tracking + Blue Sky Goals by Sarah Stern A Year of Disc Golf by Bryan Boyle By the time you finish reading this sentence… by Zen Faulkes Lizzy’s Goodreads by Shane Reynolds Order storytelling with you Get sample content from Cole’s new book