storytelling with data podcast: #74 planning your presentation
storytelling with data podcast - En podcast af storytelling with data

Cole shares low-tech planning strategies that will set you up for success in any important scenario in which you need to communicate. From crafting the Big Idea (plus a super useful worksheet to assist your efforts) to storyboarding to bringing it all into your tools, you’ll learn how a little time up front can streamline the rest of the creative process. Also tune in to hear Cole address questions on feedback, slides that don’t quite fit, filler words, and more. Listening time 49:01 | related links The Big Idea worksheet Book storytelling with you: plan, create, and deliver a stellar presentation Blog article 8 tips for avoiding filler words Podcast episode 70 prepare to present Attend a workshop (use discount PODCAST10 for 10% off) Premium sale through 1/31/24 in SWD community: go premium! University instructor upcoming event & resources Watch videos on the SWD YouTube channel