storytelling with data podcast: #77 creativity with data, a chat with Alli Torban
storytelling with data podcast - En podcast af storytelling with data

Data storyteller Alex talks with information designer Alli Torban about her new book, Chart Spark. Alli believes that creativity isn’t a synonym for art; instead, it’s the ability to generate new ideas or remix existing ideas in a useful way. When you learn to harness that creativity, you can develop new approaches to create more impactful data communications. Tune in to discover helpful prompts and strategies that will help you push past a mental block when you aren’t sure how to visualize your data and capture inspiration for the next time you need a creative idea. Listening time 42:28 | related links: Follow Alli: website | podcast | LinkedIn | Twitter sChart Spark: SWD live event: Flatten the curve: Alli’s tessellation viz: