Elvin Bishop i Selwyn Birchwood
T'agrada el blues? - En podcast af Catalunya R�dio
Quico Pi de la Serra ens porta dues magn�fiques novetats discogr�fiques. La primera, "Elvin Bishop's Big Fun Trio", interpretada pel veter� i molt apreciat bluesman de Glendale, Calif�rnia. La segona, "Pick your poison", a c�rrec del relativament nouvingut int�rpret d'Orlando Selwyn Birchwood. Dos discos creats i interpretats amb tanta qualitat com autenticitat. Pi de la Serra toca en directe "Trick blues". "Keep on rollin'" Elvin Bishop (CD "Elvin Bishop's Big Fun Trio") "Let's go" Elvin Bishop "100 years of blues" Elvin Bishop "Can't take no more" Elvin Bishop "That's what I'm talkin' about" - Elvin Bishop "Trial by fire" Selwyn Birchwood (CD "Pick your poison") "Even the saved need saving" Selwyn Birchwood "Guilty pleasures" Selwyn Birchwood "Pick your poison" Selwyn Birchwood "Heavy heart" - Selwyn Birchwood Pi de la Serra, en directe: "Trick blues"