14 | Babies and sleep: what is biologically normal? With Dr Amber Hart

Tales From The Fourth Trimester - En podcast af Naomi Chrisoulakis


It's not what the books say. It's not what the sleep training industry says, or your cousin or the person in your mothers group. Today we're talking about what we know from research and studies into the brain development of babies and how that interacts and impacts their sleep. I really hope this helps kill some of the noise that exists around sleep that can be really stressful, worrying and filled with a sense of failure (at least that's been my experience when I had a baby who didn't do what the books said she *should* but was in fact very normal). I'm joined by Dr Amber Hart, a mum of three girls, GP, lactation consultant (IBCLC) and director of Maternal and Infant Wellbeing Melbourne, a multidisciplinary clinic in Parkville, Victoria. She's also accredited through The Possums Clinic. 

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