S2E2 - Policing Women's Bodies

In this episode, we talk to Ea Høg Utoft, a most inspiring political science scholar at Aarhus University, on gender equality. We discuss an array of instances in which women’s bodies are objectified, sexualized, and policed by society - be it with banning young girls and women from wearing crop tops to school or sport bras to the gym, or telling Muslim women not to wear religious head-covering. Ea brings in the lens of a “postfeminist gender regime” to discuss how, in Denmark, gender inequalities tend to become buried underneath a discourse of gender-related progress, which generates a set of frustrations difficulties for women and (other) gender minorities in fighting for a more equal and equitable society.

Om Podcasten

In this podcast, researchers Anuja Pradhan and Alev Kuruoglu from the University of Southern Denmark take a critical look at everything and anything related to our consumer society. They will be talking to researchers and students about fun things like coffee, tv and fitness cultures.