Sweet Home (Review)

Spoiler Alert: An ensemble of characters try to survive a monster apocalypse. Although Bruce felt it was lacking in plot, he enjoyed the visuals and the chemistry between Ji Soo (band girl) and Jae Hyeon (preacher/sword fighter). Also, the resident badasses, Yi Kyung (firefighter) and Sang Wook (enforcer) were fun to watch throughout the series.

Om Podcasten

Bruce and Alice have been married for over 24 years and have developed a passion for K (Korean) Dramas! Alice is a stay-at-home wife/mother who has raised four children ages 10 to 29, and Bruce has his Ph.D. in Sociology. Although neither are Korean, both of them have Asian heritage (Bruce is black and Japanese while Alice is Mexican and Filipina) and all of these elements converge to create witty dialogue, character/plot analysis, and deep discussion.