Would you ask a plumber to work for free? E:284 with Clare Southworth& Jean-Paul Wright

Why you should always ask for a fee and ignore the "It will be good for your profile line!" This week on 'Talking Flutes', Clare and Jean-Paul are walking along a windy Brighton Beach in the south of England answering more questions from listeners. Subjects such as: 1. Respecting yourself and your craft = asking for a fee! 2. Is it possible to become a good flute player if you start later in life? 3. What is the measure of a good musician? 4. How much flexibility do we have with a piece of music? Six years and 284 podcasts later we still need you to rate and like 'Talking Flutes' on whatever podcast provider you are listening to this on.  Thank you so much for being with us on this podcast journey. 'Talking Flutes', 'Talking Flutes Extra' and 'Bitesize' are podcast productions by the TJ flute company.  For more information visit www.tjflutes.com   

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The #1 Flute Podcast Channel ‘Talking Flutes‘ where the recipe and ingredients are very simple. Take a leading flute player, author, golfer and Professor at the Royal Academy of Music in London (Clare Southworth) and mix with flute player, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Public Speaker and Managing Director of the world famous TJ flute brand (Jean-Paul Wright). Then speak with some of the world‘s leading flute players including Sir James Galway, Jasmine Choi, Denis Bouriakov, Paul Edmund-Davies, Gareth Davies (too many more beautiful flute playing guests to mention in a single paragraph), and gently mix these together with some Grammy and Emmy winning musicians. Top with mental health awareness advice from Dr Joe Stammeijer and finish with some stunning music, laughs and plenty of fun.