Talking Technology with NCBI Labs Episode 12 - Envision AI Smart Glasses, BlindShell Classic 2 updates, Siri improvements in iOS16

In the latest episode of Talking Technology with NCBI Labs we explore the Envision AI Smart Glasses, a smart wearable device designed to assist blind and visually impaired people with performing a huge variety of tasks independently.Lightweight and designed to be worn all day, Envision Glasses provide access all kinds of visual information around the user. They can be used to recognise and speak aloud text, objects, people, colours, products and more. Joining us on the show to tell us all about this highly innovative piece of technology is the Co-founder and Chief Technical Officer of Envision, Karthik Kannan.The BlindShell Classic 2 has become a popular smartphone because of its tactile buttons and many features. On the show we give a summary of the latest features added to the phone in the most recent update.  Finally we reveal lots of cool new features and changes coming to Siri in iOS 16 that are all designed to make your iPhone easier to use. Support the show

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This podcast is focused on technology that supports people who are blind and visually impaired. Our panel of IT Trainers & guest panelists discuss all the latest in mainstream and inclusive technology innovations in a fun and informative manner. V I Labs is the technology function within Vision Ireland. Vision Ireland is the national sight loss agency in Ireland. V I Labs provide technology assessments and training for all our service users. We are a not for profit charity, which offers support and services to people of all ages who are experiencing difficulties with their eyesight. Visit to discover more about our technology services and other range of services Vision Ireland provide