GREIG FRASER - Cinematographer - THE BATMAN - Part 2

SEASON 2 - EPISODE 51 - GREIG FRASER - CINEMATOGRAPHER - THE BATMAN - PART 2 On this episode of the Team Deakins Podcast, we’re sharing the rest of our previously live-streamed conversation between Team Deakins and cinematographer Greig Fraser diving into his work on THE BATMAN. We start by talking all things lighting, and Greig shares how he and his team used non-film light fixtures to achieve a natural look in the film. We later discuss the importance of on-set chemistry and how a great attitude can outweigh experience when crewing. Greig shares how his team worked to match the menace of the Batmobile with the truck in Steven Spielberg’s DUEL and how closely he worked with the art department during production. Greig also reveals which light best complimented Zoë Kravitz’s makeup, and he pulls into focus the potential applications of an adjustable depth of field in the Volume lighting system.   A link to the images mentioned in the episode can be found here. - This episode is sponsored by Dallas Film Commission & Falca

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The Team Deakins podcast is an ongoing conversation between acclaimed cinematographer Roger Deakins and James Deakins, his collaborator, about cinematography, the film business and whatever other questions are submitted. We start with a specific question and end....who knows where! We are joined by guests periodically. Followup questions can be posted in the forums at