Beat the hackers: Cybersecurity experts reveal the risks, and how to combat them, in an increasingly digital age

How easily could your mobile phone be hacked? What risks are real estate companies facing in an increasingly digital era? How can you protect yourself? EG spoke to Chris Woods, director of CyberQ Group, and Vishvas Nayi, cybersecurity consultant for CyberQ Group at this year’s RICS commercial property conference to find out more. From the rise in cyber attacks to companies’ biggest cyber security fears, listen for more.  

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Welcome to TechTalk Radio, a weekly podcast brought to you by real estate intelligence provider EG. Each week TechTalk Radio hosts Emily Wright and Samantha McClary bring you interviews with the brightest brains in all things technology, data and innovation in the world of real estate. Listen in for everything from the impact of AI on human jobs to how tech will enable us to build better, cleaner and more useful environments for generations to come, with a little light entertainment thrown in.