What Has Changed Him?

In this episode we're looking at horrible 1930s magazine ads directed towards women. Maybe the reason your husband is cold recently is because your teeth has lost it's shine, or your blond has washed out? You can watch the video version here: https://open.spotify.com/episode/4KAXzvPAgC9TwgjIojvjtn?si=krHTu4gHTzeBSQ7iAJA6WQ Sources: The Smart Set, February 1930 The American Magazine, May 1936

Om Podcasten

Who doesn’t like petty texts, celebrity gossip, dating advice, spicy song lyrics, or controversial opinions? Now imagine all that... but it’s historical. In this podcast we’ll be reading some juicy historical letters, diaries, articles and other piping hot tea. So get yourself something to drink and let’s jump into TEXTORY. Hosted by Karolina Żebrowska