Emotional Vampires, Much Needed Alone Time, and Getting Excited About Aging with Corinne Fisher and Christina Hutchinson

In this episode, John brings back the hosts of "Guys We Fucked," Corinne Fisher and Christina Hutchinson, to discuss the lasting influence of childhood on adult life, emotional vampires, the necessity of solitude for creativity, and their positive outlook on aging. They delve into how childhood experiences shape self-worth and emotional health, with personal anecdotes about family dynamics. The importance of alone time is emphasized as crucial for meeting creative demands, with each host sharing their strategies for fostering inspiration. The episode concludes on an uplifting note, with the hosts expressing excitement for the wisdom and freedom that come with reaching their 40s and 50s, challenging societal fears around aging. You can find out more about Guys We F*cked HERE

Om Podcasten

John Kim is The Angry Therapist, delivering self-help and therapy in a shot glass - street level 3 x week roughly ten minutes an episode. With one longer interview or conversation on Mondays.