#106: How to Strategically Attract Your Ideal Facebook Ads Audience with Jasmine Star

The Art of Online Business - En podcast af Kwadwo [QUĀY.jo] Sampany-Kessie


#106: How to Strategically Attract Your Ideal Facebook Ads Audience with Jasmine Star

Alright AOPT listeners, I’ve got a question for you:

When you’re scrolling on Facebook, what is it about an ad that makes you stop scrolling?

Do the the colors catch your attention?

Or maybe it’s the image?

Are you someone who mostly looks at videos?

The point is, we all know that the visual aspect of a Facebook Ad is important -- because it’s how the Ad actually grabs our attention in the first place.

Still, when it comes to setting up our own Facebook Ads, I know a lot of people spend a ton of time focused on planning, budgeting and targeting their Ads. And the content of the Ad is sort of an afterthought.

That’s why I invited my friend Jasmine Star to join me on Episode #106 of The Art of Paid Traffic...

Jasmine is a marketing strategist, a branding expert and she’s also been voted one of the top 10 wedding photographers in the world.

Today, she’s joining me on the podcast to share how her creative approach to Facebook Ads helped her attract, qualify and convert crazy-high numbers during her very first online course launch.

Jasmine and I talk about why she’s super strategic about the visual content she uses in her Facebook Ads. Plus, we dive into the specifics of how she creates image and video Ads that capture her ideal audience’s attention (the key word being IDEAL).

If you’re someone who has room to improve when it comes to the visual content you use for your Facebook Ads (I’m raising my hand here!), this episode is going to give you exact strategies to make improvements right away.

And even if you’re someone who has truly mastered the art of Facebook Ads, we jump into Jasmine’s campaign metrics as well -- so don’t miss this one

On Today’s Episode You’ll Learn:

  • Jasmine’s strategy for figuring out the style and type of visuals in her Facebook Ads
  • Why creating high-performing Ads starts with understanding the needs and frustrations of your ideal audience
  • 8 steps to get awesome Ad images when working with a photographer
  • The number of images Jasmine split-tested during her launch campaign
  • Her VERY smart retargeting strategy + Ad types she ran
  • How her impressive cost and earnings per lead is inspiring her to test the limits during her second launch
  • The overall results of Jasmine’s Facebook Ad campaign
  • And a lot more…

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