#159: How to Get the Most Out of Your Facebook Ads this Holiday Season

The Art of Online Business - En podcast af Kwadwo [QUĀY.jo] Sampany-Kessie


In today’s episode, I want to share with you how to get the most out of your Facebook ads during the holiday season.

Here we are the end of October already and if you’re going to be advertising on Facebook between now and the end of the year, I want to share with you some things to consider and how to get the most out of your marketing.

This is mainly aimed at product based businesses but will also be really helpful if you’re advertising on the platform from basically now through the end of the year.

But first, I’m super pumped up to announce details for my upcoming live Facebook ads implementation workshop here in San Diego.  

FBA Live is going to start on Thursday evening, December 7th with an opening night happy hour and then we’ll go Friday and Saturday, December 8th and 9th.

As I mentioned this is an implementation workshop so we’ll be actually working on your Facebook ad campaigns together over the two days and we’ll be having conversations around strategy and areas for improvement for your campaigns.  

So much has changed with Facebook ads over the last two months, let alone this year and my goal is to have you walking away with things set up the right way and improvements made.

When you sign-up for the workshop, it will include access to or a large credit toward one of my training programs which you’ll need go through as much as you can prior to the event.

The reason is I want this workshop to have the biggest impact for you, so it’s not going to be for complete beginners.  

If you’re already one of my students, you’re going to get a big-time discount off the cost of the event OR get to come for free.

Again, so that we can have the biggest impact on working with you, spots are going to be limited to just 40 people.

The link to go to for all the details and to reserve your spot is


I love doing these live workshops, hanging out with you for a few days and really moving your Facebook ads and business forward.

Can’t wait to see you here in San Diego in December. 

Season Of the Facebook Ads Manager

People are gathering info about what they want to do now for the holidays.   They’re looking now.  

Key Takeaways

  1. HOLIDAYS —> everyone is on mobile (use ad formats that are mobile friendly)
    1. Ad formats that are mobile friendly —
      1. Canvas (can build engagement audiences) and collection ads.  MAINLY for ecomm
      2. Mobile friendly video  
  2. There are two phases that consumers go through that you need to be aware of during the holiday season
    1. Consideration Phase
      1. During this phase you need to gain trust & show your products in action
      2. After Oct. 31, more consideration going on. Know the consumer’s mindset and how it develops so you can present them with the most meaningful ads at the right time
      3. Ad Types to Focus On:
        1. Testimonials
        2. Product ads (Videos, Carousels, Product set, etc.)
    2. Conversion Phase
      1. Closer to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, people are comparing prices, checking out competitors.
      2. Be prepared with irresistible offers that consumers can’t pass up

Things to Consider:

Parents and Millennials are mobile shoppers, researching on mobile.  They’re also comparing products...

    • Ordering online, pickup in store
    • Looking for Free gifts with purchase
    • Price matching
    • Looking for Coupons
    • And expecting Stellar Customer Service

The Gen X audience is either buying on Desktop or in-Store

And the Millennials audience is either purchasing on mobile or in-store

  • Determine what ad formats, placements, and devices you want to advertise on based on your target audience.

Holiday Best Practices

Black Friday — schedule it out in advance to ensure approval.  

  • Approval process could be slow if you’re trying to get something out on Black Friday.  Don’t wait until last minute.

After Christmas — special deals become available (create offers).

  • Use custom audience tos create lookalike audiences.    
    • Retarget purchasers with additional deals.

Holiday Pricing

  • Holiday ads are more expensive because of the immense competition
  • More competition, higher budget — WIN AUCTION

Prices to Expect:

  • Conversion ads — double budget
  • App installs — triple budget

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