#166: Perfectionism Bogging You Down? Me too…

The Art of Online Business - En podcast af Kwadwo [QUĀY.jo] Sampany-Kessie


I’m doing something quite different in today’s episode…

Rather than share a strategy, a how-to, case study, or campaign insights or stats…

I want to talk about something that’s holding so many of us back in our businesses.

And that’s perfectionism.

And the reason I decided to share it with you is this is something that I have struggled with.

And the more I’ve shared it, the more people I hear from saying that they too struggle with it.

And they ask me to continue talking about it...

There’s a great quote by Brene Brown about perfectionism that says:

“Perfectionism is not the same thing as striving to be our best. Perfectionism is not about healthy achievement and growth; it's a shield.”

I share this because I’ve realized that perfectionism is the cause of one of the biggest frustrations in my business -- speed of execution.

It’s something I’ve struggled with over the last few years with the podcast, articles, creating video, writing emails, etc...

You see, I have so many ideas and things I want to do, but they get bogged down by my wanting them to be “perfect” before they see the light of day.  

Some never even DO see the light of day.

It’s a “shield”, as Brene says, that I use to keep my work from being judged.

Things just got deep up in here, I know.

But maybe you can relate?

Well, I’ve decided enough is enough.

Because to follow through on the vision I have for my business, being stuck in perfection-land has no place any longer…

So when it comes to the podcast, articles, creating video, and writing emails, I’ve given myself permission “Good Enough” is now enough.  

It’s about getting out of my head, executing and letting YOU decide whether you find value in what I’m creating.

After all, it’s not about whether I think something’s awesome, it’s about whether you think it’s helpful.

This shift in mindset has been awesome.

It’s been freeing...

I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders…

Game on...

Now, I want you to look at your own business…

Where might perfectionism be holding you back?  

Whether it’s your Facebook ads (you’re just testing, anyway, right?!)...

Your landing pages...

Whether it’s your videos...

Your podcast episodes...

Your articles...

Your social media...

I challenge you to join me in leaving perfection-land and allowing “Good Enough” to be enough and just get your stuff out there.

Be ok with things maybe not looking the EXACT way you might have in your mind.

Just embracing this a little bit will bring you more happiness in your business.

As I said, I’m on this journey with you of leaving perfectionism behind.

So I’d love to hear from you…

Message me over on Facebook Messenger (rickmulready.com/messenger) and let me know if and how perfectionism has been holding you back.

Thanks a lot for listening to this very different episode.

On the Show Today You’ll Learn:

  • How I finally realized that perfectionism was affecting my business (and the ways I am overcoming it)

  • The ways that you too can get out of your head and start executing!

  • A challenge that I have for you…

Next week I’ll be back with more of the kind of episode you’d expect here on The Art of Paid Traffic where I welcome Jarrod Bentley & Ethan Sigmon

To talk about how they are absolutely crushing it Selling Fitness DVD with Facebook Video Ads.

We get into all aspects of their campaigns including the one tweak they made to their Facebook ads that literally allowed them to make millions of dollars in revenue.

And, the story of how they got their account shut down and how they got it back.

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