Case Study: How a Photography App Uses Facebook Ads to Increase Monthly Revenue & Generate Leads

The Art of Online Business - En podcast af Kwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie


Last Fall at my FBA Live event in San Diego, one of the attendees approached me with his laptop and showed me some charts of his revenue and email leads. Not only was he showing me a massive spike in both, but he said it corresponded with when he started listening to The Art of Paid Traffic!

Chris Scott is the co-founder and CEO of a company called Swift Galleries, which is a web app that helps photographers increase their sales by helping their clients visualize the photos on their on walls. Chris also bundles this app with a course that teaches photographers how to sell more and grow their businesses, and once I heard his story, I knew I had to bring him on the podcast to share what he’s doing with his marketing.

Chris has been running Facebook ads for a few years now, but he wasn’t getting the results that he wanted. As mentioned, he then started listening to this podcast, while implementing and testing what he was learning on the show. It was at this point that Chris started to gain real momentum in his business.

In this episode he talks about the different funnels he’s using, how he approaches testing them, and I also give him my recommendations for what he could be doing to improve his conversions right now.

This is one of those episodes that even if you’re not in the same niche as the guest, you’re really going to get a lot out of how he’s approaching his marketing. Often some of the best strategies we can learn and test are those that are being used in niches different than our own.

Before we start the show, I’ve got something to ask. How do you listen to this podcast? Is it in the iTunes app, Stitcher, Spotify or maybe iHeart Radio? Do you listen to it at regular speed, or maybe like me you listen to your podcasts at 1.5X speed? I want to know! Take a screenshot of you tuning in to The Art of Paid Traffic, and include it on your Instagram Story, while tagging me, @RickMulready!

Want to win a 30-minute strategy session with me? I’ll be drawing one winner at random each month, and all you have to do is give me your feedback on this podcast over at, telling me what you’d like to hear more of - including topics you’d like to see covered, guests, style and frequency of the show!

On the Show Today You’ll Learn:

• What happened to Chris’s business when he started focusing on consultative selling

• Why he feels that his Facebook marketing failed at first and how he’s now using the ads differently

• His exact funnels for generating cold traffic leads at $2.64 and $1.60 each

• A breakdown of his tripwires and the course he’s selling

• What Chris expected to learn from going to FBA Live and how he learned that he really needed to get back to the basics

• The importance to really understand your ideal customer and his or her journey

• How he’s using his Facebook group to sell the app and provide value to his target audience

• Chris’s email sequence and follow-up strategy

• How he plans to test different free trials to prospective customers and what I think he should be doing with his customer case studies

• What is “thought reversal” and the way he’s using it in his business

Our next show is a Quick Tip episode, where I’ll be discussing Facebook Ads audience sizes, which is something I get asked about all the time. The best practices around this have really shifted over the past few months, which is why I wanted to update you on what’s happening.

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