Strategy Session: Basic Sales Funnel Breakdown + Targeting New FB Ads Audiences

The Art of Online Business - En podcast af Kwadwo [QUĀ] Sampany-Kessie


I haven’t done a strategy session episode in a while, but the feedback I’ve gotten is that you want to hear more of them, so today I’m bringing you a conversation with one of my ROI Club membership students.

Larissa Maclemon serves salon owners in the hair and beauty space through a membership program and a done-for-you service at her site, Her program teaches members how to market their businesses and it helps take the overwhelm out of the tech side of marketing their salon businesses.

As you’ll hear, she’s currently running warm traffic into a sales funnel, beginning with an opt-in that leads to an email sequence and eventually to a 3-day special offer to get 50% off the first month of her membership program.

In this strategy session, we’re going to be breaking down Larissa’s funnel, which is pretty basic at this time and talking about the need to really know your numbers so that you have an accurate picture of how your funnel is performing. A lot of what we cover today is about building warm audiences to target with Facebook ads, as well as expanding her Facebook ads into cold targeting interests.

Want to win a 30-minute strategy session with me? I’ll be drawing one winner at random each month, and all you have to do is give me your feedback on this podcast over at, telling me what you’d like to hear more of - including topics you’d like to see covered, guests, style and frequency of the show!

On the Show Today You’ll Learn:


  • What problems Larissa is solving for her clients now and why she is looking to pivot her business
  • The struggles she’s having around getting traffic to her lead magnet, and my thoughts about her current funnel
  • Why I think the length of Larissa’s nurture sequence may be causing issues with the overall performance of her funnel
  • What to consider when it comes to opt-ins and a strategy she can use to test an offer right away
  • My suggestions to Larissa for a targeting strategy and why getting too targeted with ads isn’t a good idea
  • How she can use Facebook Audience Insights within Ads Manager and tips for increasing her potential audience size
  • Ways she can test to her Facebook page and my suggestions for pixel use

Coming up on this week’s Quick Tip episode, I’m going to be sharing how you can answer the question, “was this a successful workday or not?” I admit that this is something I’ve struggled with in the past, and I’ll be discussing what I’ve done to overcome it, as well sharing with you what my friends in the mastermind group I’m a part of had to say about this topic.

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