Episode 60 - Why I gave up my business to become a coach

I don’t often share much about my life before coaching, not because I don't want to, but more because it has never felt overly relevant. But today felt like a great time to share with you what my transition into coaching looked like, and what was occurring for me at the same time.It was a transformational experience, and a case of following my intuition and I have most certainly reaped the benefits of that.For links and more info go to the shownotes for this episode To circulate an exchange with me, you can buy me a coffee here.

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The Awakened Pregnancy Podcast is your guide to building a connection to yourself as you journey into motherhood. No matter how your story has unfolded so far, pregnancy is your invitation to go deeper, to connect to yourself and truly come alive.Join your host Conception, Pregnancy and Motherhood Coach Kate Caddle, alongside her captivating guests, as she shares on everything from the best diet for conception, to mastering your mindset for birth, to astrological predictions and everything in between. From pre-conception to motherhood, this Podcast is for the mama or mama to be, that knows deep down that this is just the beginning for her.