Sylvia Bennett-Stone on Finding Strength after Losing a Child

Ayaan speaks with Sylvia Bennett-Stone about violence in America, the importance of community, the Black Lives Matter movement, and our flawed criminal justice system. Finally, they discuss how to find purpose after losing a child? Sylvia Bennett-Stone serves as the Executive Director of the Voices of Black Mothers United (VBMU) initiative. After losing her daughter to senseless violence in 2004... Source

Om Podcasten

The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Podcast is a home for critical thinking and common sense.Critical thinking, objective truth and free speech have always been under assault.Ayaan will talk to amazing people who have given a lot of thought to these issues. Some of her guests will surprise you. Some of the topics we’ll be covering are ones she's never approached before.What all Ayaan's guests will have in common is a passion for free inquiry and speech. They are not afraid to explore different perspectives, even if it means challenging their own assumptions, or violating cultural taboos. You, the audience, can make up your minds which arguments make most sense to you. We would love to hear your thoughts after each show. Follow The Ayaan Hirsi Ali Podcast on Twitter (