EP78 Women in Tech: Equal Rights but Unequal Opportunities? - Olga Maximova from Czechitas

On this episode me and Olga discuss women in technology, gender equality, opportunities for women vs men, how women and men bring different qualities to the table in the tech industry and why the Czech Republic is behind on many things with respect to gender equality. Olga Maximova is the Head of Nonprofit Development at Czechitas: an award-winning Czech-based social impact organisation that inspires, trains and guides new talents towards stronger diversity and competitiveness in Tech. Olga’s focus is to help Czechtitas be a sustainable organisation that can do more social good. Olga is from Slovakia and comes from a family with a diplomatic background and she herself spent almost 10 years working for the British gov. Helping UK nationals out of crises.

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Welcome to The Bla Bla Bunker, a podcast featuring interviews with regular people who have extraordinary stories to tell. The host, Almar Hilmarsson, is one of them. In 25 years he’s gone from Icelandic lawyer and airline CEO to tattooed, bearded meat enthusiast with a startup in Central Europe. On the way, he’s made plenty of stops, and cultivated a habit of running into interesting people and asking them interesting questions. Nothing is off limits in the Bla Bla Bunker, and Almar may ask questions that most people wouldn’t dare to ask.