367. Maternity Leave as an Entrepreneur, Mom Guilt + Working From Home - Getting RAW + REAL with The Millionaire Mother

Motherhood, birth plans, postpartum resentment + relationships, mama guilt, support, and more – today’s episode we dive into what it’s really like to balance building a business while being in your motherhood-era. Natalie sat down with Cait, The Millionaire Mother, to get the full scoop on her experience in this season of life + to get super-candid, raw, and real. If you’re a mama, this is going to be one of your favorite episodes yet! HIGHLIGHTS What maternity leave actually looks like when you’re the CEO or founder of a business A real conversation on worthiness + navigating all the changes this season of life brings The true operations + expectations behind being a “family team” Mama guilt + how we work through those challenging moments Does balance exist as a new mama + business owner (our takes and how we create alignment + harmony in our lives/ businesses)  RESOURCES + LINKS Sign Up for Cait’s Free 3-Day Workshop to Lead From Overflow, Not Depletion. Join The Société: The Place to Build A Freedom-Based Business. Get Our Weekly Newsletter & Get Insights From Natalie Every Single Week On All Things Strategy, Motherhood, Business Growth + More.  FOLLOW bossbabe: @bossbabe.inc Natalie Ellis: @iamnatalie Cait Scudder: @themillionairemother 

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Bossbabe is one of the largest online communities of ambitious women and female entrepreneurs in the world. With a digital presence of more than 4.2+ million followers and the top online membership for female entrepreneurs – we're passionate about creating content that supports ambitious women in building wealth + creating lives they love. The bossbabe podcast is the place where we share the real, behind-the-scenes of building successful businesses, achieving peak performance and learning how to balance it all.