#055 From the Floor: How to brand your product

Tune in this week to discover how the team brings branding to life across the gym floor. It's not just your social media that has an impact on how potential clients view your business. Branding often comes down to what other people say about you when you're not in the room. Find out how you can strengthen your brand to get new members developing into advocates of your product.

Om Podcasten

A weekly podcast hosted by The IFBA’s Head of Operations, Chris Walton, joined regularly by Head of Education, Tom Hamilton, and Founder, Jean-Claude Vacassin. The IFBA is the organisation that’s setting the standard in the fitness industry. On a mission to help owners of fitness enterprises big and small, they’re digging into the strategies to build an efficient, profitable, and sustainable gym or health club business. The show features expert guests, questions from listeners, and a whole lot of good stuff to get you thinking and, ultimately, upping your game.