1219: Women's Hormones, PKD Causes, Constipation Enemas, Gut Testing vs. CBO Protocol, Best Fat to Fry In, Coffee/Tea Reaction (HouseCall)
The Cabral Concept - En podcast af Dr. Stephen Cabral

Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!
This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!
Check out today's questions:
Catherine: Dear Dr Cabral. Firstly thanks for everything - I've learned so much from you. After my system crashed four years ago you are my last port of call and I'm currently on your CBO protocol and have done the HTMA and food sensitivity and calls with your coach. My next one is the thyroid adrenal hormone and I've signed up for your practice. The stakes for me, as everyone, are very high as I have three children I want to be full of life for. You give me hope because you say if there is one person in your situation who has recovered then you can too. I fully believe this and have never ever given up hope. The issue is I have never seen anyone recover in my situation and many other practitioners have told me it is too late for me, so I am hoping that you can provide hope as I have refused to believe them and keep ploughing on. Im a 42 year old mum of three. I got amenhorrea in my early 20s while marathon training and was told by a gynaecologist that it was fine and would just save my eggs for later (I know, I'm learning not to be angry with this). I spent my 20s on and off the pill with the odd natural period and then my 30s doing IVF. This on top of years and years of antibiotics. After i had my third child i still never got my cycle. I pushed myself to the max doing a part time masters and then endurance training and then my body finally gave up. That was four years ago and I was put on thyroxine and bio identical hormones (oestrogen gel, testosterone cream and progesterone and dhea /7 keto) - mostly to protect my bones as i had already developed osteopenia - in my genes, but i allowed it to express by living a catabolic lifestyle. I trained as a yoga teacher and a health coach and have done everything in the destress protocol for the past four years and continue to do so. I've tried putting on weight but that hasn't worked. I have not done any endurance training for years and do all the vata exercise you discuss - walking, gentle swims and yoga and light resistance training a couple of times a week if i have the energy. My nutrition is pretty perfect, meditteranean based and i use your dns. I keep my mind set positive but it is hard as i go through phases of feeling awful. But I've finally come off the hormones and am writing to you to ask you this: Have you seen anyone at the age of 42, with my training, and amenhorrea history spanning nearly 20 years (with the pill and ivfs sprinkled throughout) ever regain their cycle??? Not one person or practitioner has been able to tell me that this is possible in their clinical history with so very many years of amenhorrea and ivfs. I know I have really damaged my body and over taxed it for twenty years and while I will be doing the thyroid adrenal hormone test anyway and working with your practice, I would just really like to know if you have seen this exact situation before? I know much younger women recover from amenhorrea but I've not seen anyone my age. Would it be better to just accept it and live my best life without chasing that ideal?
Jason: Hi, have been a loyal 2 year listener and love your show. Have done a 14 day detox, feel great and love the Rain Barell Book. I have a nervous question though. my Son, an active 14 year old has just been initiallty diagnosed with paroxysmal kinesigenic dyskinesia. I believe in getting to the root of causes but all the doctors talk about is drugs.. are you familiar with this? it looks like it targets a bunch of different areas of brain and nerves. But i'd really appreciate your thoughts and where to start. thanks so much and love all your work. Jason
Taylor: Hey Dr. Cabral, thank you for your previous answer my naturopath and I have found a regimen of b vitamins and magnesium that has more or less eliminated the wired and tired feeling. My question today is regarding coffee enemas. I did them daily for several months when my liver was very swollen. my liver has since recovered (not swollen, but sometimes still tender). I was recently advised to stop the enemas after abdominal pain made me go to the family doctor - not Er or anything like that. The first doctor didn’t seem phased by my mention of the enemas but the second doctor was adamantly against it. To wrap it up, I decided to stop and it does seem that I had started to do more harm than good with them - mood problems improved and my need for cbd and turmeric seemed to decrease. However I still feel the need to do a coffee enema about once a week as I get incredibly bloated, constipated, and it feels as though fluid is building up in my abdomen. My question: i usually expel hundreds of stones that look like corn, but no corn in diet. For about a month while working with my naturopath I was clear of these stones, and since reducing my enemy frequency am now back to passing a mildly disturbing number of whatever these are. I was curious what your take and opinion was on coffee enemas and what these stones might be. Have seen several theories and will have asked my own naturopath by the time we read this on the podcast so no worries. Thank you for your time and sharing of life knowledge!
Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral, Absolutely love your work. Discovered you via your Mind Pump interview last year. Thank you for all you do. I’m a relatively healthy woman in my mid-20s. To my knowledge, I have no serious digestive issues or symptoms. However my diet in the past included processed foods, alcohol overconsumption (on a number of weekends in my early 20s), dairy, gluten, etc. My diet has changed a lot since then and I consume primarily seasonal produce and wild caught fish. Right now, I can either afford testing or purchasing the CBO protocol. Which should I do? Or is there no need for either?
Tracy: Hello! I have two questions. 1) I asked this in the support group but would love your personal input as well: I know cooking/frying in oil isn't ideal due to the oxidation (even coconut & avocado oil if I am correct?) but would frying in ghee be OK? I am trying to minimise cooking with fat but I do love the taste for some of my meals and do not always want to make them cheat meals. 2) I have a definite sensitivity to caffeine. I stopped drinking coffee years ago and do not miss it, however I often wish I could reap the benefits from things like green tea, matcha, certain caffeinated south American teas etc. However even these make me feel "wired" (and often tired), sometimes slightly dizzy, mild headache etc. What tests would you recommend to discover the cause of this, and should I strictly stay away from green tea? I find it really helpful to drink when fasting to curb hunger and wish I could occasionally have it as a 'pick me up' drink. I have heard that causes can be genetic as well, which would obviously be disappointing :-)... Funnily enough I have no issues drinking caffeinated drinks such as coca cola or energy drinks (although I do keep my consumption to a minimum for other obvious health reasons). Thanks so much as always
Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!
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