TCF Ep. 540 - Harvey Stein
The Candid Frame: Conversations on Photography - En podcast af Ibarionex R. Perello

Harvey Stein is a professional photographer, teacher, lecturer, author, and curator based in New York City. He currently teaches at the International Center of Photography. Stein is a frequent lecturer on photography both in the United States and abroad. He is the Director of Photography at Umbrella Arts Gallery, located in the East Village of Manhattan. He has also been a member of the faculty of the School of Visual Arts, New School University, Drew University, Rochester Institute of Technology, and the University of Bridgeport. He is known most for his street photography of New York City, featuring Harlem and Coney Island. Websites Harvey Stein Margarita Mavromichalis Education Resources: Photo NOLA Ibarionex’s Workshop for Photo NOLA Momenta Photographic Workshops Candid Frame Resources Download the free Candid Frame app for your favorite smart device. Click here to download for . Click here to download Support the work we do at The Candid Frame by contributing to our Patreon effort. You can do this by visiting or visiting the website and clicking on the Patreon button. You can also provide a one-time donation via . You can follow Ibarionex on and .