TCF Ep. 546 - Jeffery Saddoris
The Candid Frame: Conversations on Photography - En podcast af Ibarionex R. Perello

Jeffery Saddoris often refers to himself as a “serial conversationalist” and podcasting has become an increasingly important platform for his lifelong interest in learning, exploring, communicating, and sharing about art and artists – between more than 5 years talking about photography on On Taking Pictures, hosting the 12-episode Craft & Vision Podcast, and Process Driven, his ongoing podcast of long-form conversations about creativity and how the creative process manifests itself across a wide range of genres and disciplines. Websites Jeffery Saddoris Jeffery Saddoris Podcast Library Dan Wood Sponsor Charcoal Book Club - Sign up today Chico Hot Springs Portfolio Review Education Resources: Momenta Photographic Workshops Creating a Personal Breakthrough Photo Workshop Candid Frame Resources Download the free Candid Frame app for your favorite smart device. Click here to download for . Click here to download Support the work we do at The Candid Frame by contributing to our Patreon effort. You can do this by visiting or visiting the website and clicking on the Patreon button. You can also provide a one-time donation via . You can follow Ibarionex on and .