The Candid Frame #79 - Lou Jones
The Candid Frame: Conversations on Photography - En podcast af Ibarionex R. Perello

Lou Jones is a versatile and prolific photographer who has used has passion for photography to capture sports figures, musicians, celebrities, politicians, CEOs and just everyday folk. His work can be said to fit any variety of photographic genres including photojournalism, portraiture, advertising, fine-art and more, which speaks not only to his skills as a photographer, but also his ability take a technical process and transform it into something beautiful and impactful. His personal projects including a documentary project on Death Row have helped establish him as one of the distinctive voices in photography today. He is also author of the recent instructional book, Speedlights and Speedlights: Creative Flash Photography at the Speed of Light. You can discover more of his work by visiting his website or following his blog. Lou Jones recommends the work of Sebastião Salgado.For streaming audio click here or subscribe to the podcast for free viaClick here for more details on my new Better Photo course, The Pursuit of Light.