How to parent THE IMPROVER

Do you have a child who has perfectionist tendencies? High benchmarks? (or does that describe you?) Does your child link their self-worth to their achievement? Competency is a superpower, but when it tips into criticism of themselves or others it can harm their connection to others and their self-worth. Come and find out five great ways to parent the improver and help them to feel worthy and to manage their inner-critic, without losing their fabulous superpowers.    Click here for.... Finding out more about parent-coaching: Parent Coaching For your discounted copy of the book: The Courageous Mumma Email me with your questions: [email protected]

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Madeleine Stanimeros is an author, writer, consultant, speaker and Mum. She has been writing and speaking on parenting for 14 years and regularly meets with parents to encourage and support them with strategies to enrich family life and strengthen connections through the easy and not so easy moments.