Girls Can Change The World

This episode is FULL of wisdom and experience and takes a deep dive into LIVING our hopes and dreams now. Dale Hanson Bourke is an award-winning author, and her latest book Strong Girls Strong World, hits the bullseye of the kind of global change we long to see. Dale has travelled to 62 countries and has extensive experience in governance and business and is sharing her best strategies to see real transformation through the way she lives her life today. But even more than her expertise - in this episode Dale shares from her heart, from her relationships, from her own experience of pain and longing. I'm so thankful for her voice, her witness and her willingness to bring herself to the conversation today. I think you are going to love her and learn much from this beautiful soul.Buy her book everywhere that books are sold or here: Get full access to Right Side Up: Danielle Strickland at

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welcome. I'm hoping it's here you will find subversive ideas, disruptive thoughts, experience and hope, some spiritual depth and genuine questions... this is a way of one beggar telling another beggar where to find some bread. I'm glad you are here.