157. Christine's Main Character Energy: Growing self-compassion and a sparkly new relationship

You are in for a treat this week because today, you will hear from a former Date Brazen client, Christine, who participated in The Main Character Energy Mastermind. You’ll hear how Christine grew self-compassion and confidence, leading to a sparkly new relationship!   Before joining us in Main Character Energy Mastermind, Christine did work on her dating life. Then she expanded her main character energy beyond dating. We are excited for you to hear Christine’s perspective and her breakthroughs throughout this process. Over the next four weeks, we’ll showcase four client interviews to inspire you to embody your main character energy. These four individuals have so much wisdom to share, including their breakthroughs and how they learned to give themselves permission to trust themselves harder and take massive (albeit sometimes messy) action.  Hot-takes and takeaways from this episode: What do you want your rules to be? Embracing the messiness of dating and doing self-reflective work How Main Character Energy Mastermind provides the opportunity to go deeper  Links:  Get on the Main Character Energy Mastermind waitlist!Episode 129. Behind the Scenes of Main Character Energy Retreat Show notes: http://datebrazen.com/blog/christines-main-character-energy    

Om Podcasten

How do I find the right relationship when dating apps suck? How can I find better dates? How can I deal with that nagging anxiety that no one is out there for me? How can I navigate dating with more confidence and find that right relationship? Welcome to The Date Brazen Podcast, where we’ll answer ALL of these questions and so much more. Week after week, host, former top matchmaker and dating coach, Lily Womble brings you all the tools, strategies and coaching you need to build a clear path to the best relationship of your life. After matching hundreds, Lily realized that with training, women can match themselves better than anyone else ever could. Now she helps thousands of women around the world build fulfilling, joyful and successful dating lives on their own terms. She’s here to help you do the same. If you’re looking for unconventional, feminist leaning dating advice that works, this podcast is for you. Along with her best kept secrets, Lily will share interviews with experts and live coaching sessions, so you can feel seen, heard and inspired.