Moving On - A Spoken Word Poem

“Part of you desperate to let go, the other part desperately holding on. In some moments you’re dodging a bullet, in others you’ve made a mistake, Sometimes you’ll smile and it’ll be genuine, sometimes you’ll know that it’s fake. But the tears are always real, you can tell by the salty taste, But in order to put your heart back together, you must first allow your heart to break.” This week I decided to share something from my poetry journal. Yes, I have a poetry journal. In this poem I share some of my thoughts and insight about my own experience of the process of moving through one of the hardest things we experience as human beings; Heartbreak. There is reconciliation, growth, and redemption available in every experience we encounter. Allowing ourselves to feel is an important step in the process of moving on and into new and higher versions of ourselves. It’s not easy, and honestly I don’t think it’s supposed to be. But I do believe it’s worth it. Check out the poetic episode “Moving On - A Spoken Word Poem” and I would love to hear what comes up for you.  To further upgrade your experience of business, self development, sexuality and more, head over to to join the CREATE Community.

Om Podcasten

THE DEEP DIVE is not your normal podcast because, well, there are no rules. The aim of the show is to give an authentic look into the minds of the thought leaders and game changers of today by allowing the audience to be a “fly on the wall” for an hour-long conversation. It is my hope that this level of authenticity will allow people to see that being successful isn’t about WHAT you think, but HOW you think.