Lemvigh-Müllers milliardomsætning er blevet digital

Hele 60 procent af ordreafgivelsen hos Danmarks største stål- og teknikgrossist, Lemvigh-Müller, kommer nu digitalt. Bag den digitale omstilling står blandt andet it-direktør Frederik Aakerlund. Hør om koncernens store digitale indsats i den seneste udgave af podcasten The Digital Edge.Værter på episoden er Lars Jacobsen, chefredaktør på Computerworld og Jesper Schleimann, der er Chief Innovation Officer, for Nordeuropa hos SAP.

Om Podcasten

The adoption and usage of technology are going through a radical transformation. Just a decade ago investment in the right technology was often enough to gain that crucial competitive edge. But the increasingly tough competition, the accelerating technological development, and the mounting complexity now demand new ways of choosing, adopting, and handling technology in the enterprise. The possibilities - and the challenges - are the main theme of The Digital Edge, a podcast created by Computerworld Denmark & SAP focusing on leadership, strategy, and business in the accelerating digital age. Hosting the podcast is Computerworld's editor-in-chief Lars Jacobsen, and Jesper Schleimann Digital Transformation Officer Northern Europe at SAP. Through a series of 35 to 40-minute interviews with key digital decision makes, Lars Jacobsen and Jesper Schleimann will explore the difficulties, the challenges and the massive rewards that the accelerating digital age brings. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Lars Jacobsen at [email protected]