Renee Says Take Massive Imperfect Action

Broadway Star to Communication Coach extraordinaire and working alongside Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi. Renee Marino only knew perseverance and determination, she hated to let the fear win. Listen carefully to Renee's story and you will learn about refusing to lose, giving it your all and feeling the fear and doing it anyway. Take action towards your dreams, no matter how small the step, or imperfect, just keep going.

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Manifest your dreams with the Dream Team. Learn the steps required to "Live a Life You Love" through our interviews with people already helping others live their dreams through understanding the “Tools of Life” Dreams, Manifestation, Commitment, Action and Consistency equals a Life You Love. Lisa Hamilton-Smith, best selling author on resilience, international speaker and knowledge broker, brings you the principles of Life Success Secrets, so you can live a life you LOVE!