The Simple Art of Desiring what You Want

How does one become a mindset and manifestation leader, teaching from the learning of the worlds most famous and much loved Bob Proctor. I needed to know some answers to life, so I personally worked with Myrtille Brookson and what an amazing journey she took me on. Today as my guest we look at Myrtille's journey as a coach and leader of leaders. A fascinating and extraordinarily positive woman, this episode reveals some mindset truths and how we can truly get what we want

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Manifest your dreams with the Dream Team. Learn the steps required to "Live a Life You Love" through our interviews with people already helping others live their dreams through understanding the “Tools of Life” Dreams, Manifestation, Commitment, Action and Consistency equals a Life You Love. Lisa Hamilton-Smith, best selling author on resilience, international speaker and knowledge broker, brings you the principles of Life Success Secrets, so you can live a life you LOVE!