QW: How to Keep Growth Simple: Get Perspective & Surround Yourself with Smart People

Quick win: Austin Brawner's #1 piece of advice for eComm owners actively trying to scale their business up to 7 figures: get perspective  Key Takeaways: Why a business without process will break when it grows  How to set yourself up with a successful and scalable business Resources: Grab our Growth Pack for founders  7-Figure Founders Program (get help from Austin Brawner to grow your business to 7 figures) @BrandGrowthX on Twitter Review or subscribe on iTunes

Om Podcasten

My name is Austin Brawner, and my purpose is to help eCommerce entrepreneurs build wealth and live more fulfilled lives. You can expect weekly interviews with world-class eCommerce operators, deep dives into what's working right now, and a refreshing break from the "crush-it culture" plaguing our industry. This podcast will change your perspective on building a business, and, hopefully, change your life.