#897: Addressing grade inflation, with Tim Daly

On this week’s Education Gadfly Show podcast, Tim Daly, the CEO of Ed Navigator, joins Mike to discuss the causes and harms of grade inflation—and how to fix it. Then, on the Research Minute, Amber reports on a new study that investigates whether exposure to certain peers and teachers explains achievement gains resulting from enrollment in early algebra.Recommended content:“Grade inflation is locking in learning loss, part one” —Tim Daly, The Education Daly“How to fix grade inflation” —Tim Daly, The Education Daly Quentin Brummet et al., “Early Algebra Affects Peer Composition,” Annenberg Institute at Brown University (November 2023).Feedback Welcome: Have ideas for improving our podcast? Send them to Daniel Buck at [email protected].

Om Podcasten

For more than 15 years, the Fordham Institute has been hosting a weekly podcast, The Education Gadfly Show. Each week, you’ll get lively, entertaining discussions of recent education news, usually featuring Fordham’s Mike Petrilli and David Griffith. Then the wise Amber Northern will recap a recent research study. For questions or comments on the podcast, contact its producer, Pedro Enamorado, at [email protected].