#902: Reforming New York’s Regents Exams, with Ray Domanico

On this week’s Education Gadfly Show podcast, Ray Domanico, the director of education policy at the Manhattan institute, joins Mike to discuss whether New York should eliminate the Regents Exams as high school graduation requirements. Then, on the Research Minute, Amber reviews a study investigating the trends in parental school involvement over the past two and a half decades.Recommended content:“Revising graduation requirements could improve academic rigor in New York” —Ray Domanico, Education Next“End-of-course exams and student outcomes” —Adam Tyner and Matthew Larsen“The accountability conundrum” —Chester E. Finn, Jr., Fordham InstituteAriel Kalil, Samantha Steimle, and Rebecca Ryan, “Trends in Parents’ Time Investment at Children’s Schools During a Period of Economic Change,” AERA (April 2023).Feedback Welcome: Have ideas for improving our podcast? Send them to Daniel Buck at [email protected].

Om Podcasten

For more than 15 years, the Fordham Institute has been hosting a weekly podcast, The Education Gadfly Show. Each week, you’ll get lively, entertaining discussions of recent education news, usually featuring Fordham’s Mike Petrilli and David Griffith. Then the wise Amber Northern will recap a recent research study. For questions or comments on the podcast, contact its producer, Pedro Enamorado, at [email protected].