The Choose Your Own Adventure Books

Which path will you choose? That was the question that faced millions of kids during the 1980s. The Choose Your Own Adventure books felt like part story/part game, but every time you picked one up: it was always different. This is a look back on the unique books, their phenomenal success, and some brilliant marketing that led to the sale of hundreds of millions of copies. And it all began with a bedtime story... Bonus 1980s content: Artwork: Janet Cordahi Learn more about your ad choices. Visit

Om Podcasten

Everything 80s is your one-stop shop to look back on the movies, video games, TV shows, cartoons, toys, fashion, music, and everything you loved about a decade like no other. Join host Jamie Logie as he takes you on a dizzying journey through topics like Transformers the birth of Apple Computers and the format war of VHS vs BETA! Great Scott! Jump into your Delorean as we travel back in time to the 1980s!