School at Home Prep: Busy/Available Parent Routines

You love your kids, but if they're going to be at home THIS much, they've got to stop bugging you while you work, right? This episode teaches you how to get your kids ready NOW for when they become extra demanding when schools starts again. Teaching and practicing routines before you need them will help ensure a much more peaceful school-at-home experience for everyone. P.S. add Skittles or M&Ms to your shopping cart're gonna need them (and for great reason!) All my love, Sarah P.P.S. If you want some deeper help, sign ups are open for Executive Function Coaching this fall. has more info! 

Om Podcasten

Helpful, fun, and effective strategies to support kids' executive function! Learn how to coach your child to manage attention, organize, and plan! Inspiration for families with ADHD, autism, learning disabilities and more!