54. Heartburn and Calendula

Heartburn is experienced by many people, but that does not make it a normal experience. Heartburn is generally an indication that the digestive system is not functioning very well. In today’s episode, I cover some of the common causes of heartburn, as well as some simple, dietary and lifestyle practices that can correct these imbalances and some of my favorite herbs. Today’s herb focus is calendula, calendula officinalis. For more information about how a visit with an herbalist can help you to create a holistic wellness plan that addresses digestion, please visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com. Thank you for listening and have a great week!

Om Podcasten

The Family Herbalism Podcast is hosted by Naomi Kilbreth, RH(AHG), Christian Clinical Herbalist and owner of Laurel Tree Wellness, LLC in Auburn, Maine. She brings to the table both her professional experience and her personal experience as the mother of four children, to offer you practical guidance in creating a healthy life with food and herbs that are simple to work with, affordable, and accessible. To learn more about Naomi and her services, visit www.laureltreewellnessllc.com Thank you for listening and sharing!