EP 056: Have you done it in public?!

At the heart of all the mindset and emotional support I offer at Fertile Mindset is an amazingly effective technique called EFT. It’s brilliant at soothing stress and releasing any and all negative emotions, thoughts and beliefs. There’s just one problem though; it looks a bit weird!! EFT involves using your own fingertips to tap on points on the face, head, hands and upper body to release stress and rebalance our emotional state. The tapping means that most people prefer to tap in private, but there are huge benefits to tapping in public too! Whether or not you feel brave enough to use EFT in public, have a listen to this episode and be curious about how tapping anytime, anywhere could be a game changer for your emotional health and wellbeing.

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Welcome to the Fertile Mindset Podcast! Sarah Holland is the Fertile Mindset Coach and a mother to two children after her own fertility challenges. She understands that when it takes longer than expected to conceive a baby worry, stress and overwhelm soon become part of the picture. But what if it was possible to navigate through fertility challenges feeling calm, strong and empowered? What difference would that make to both your life and your fertility journey? Let this podcast be your guide as Sarah and her guests acknowledge, explore and transform the many emotional aspects of fertility. Whether you’re looking for a way to reduce fertility related stress, are seeking the missing piece of your fertility puzzle, or want to discover how your mind and emotions can support your fertility, you will find all the support and inspiration you need within these podcast episodes. You can receive more support from Sarah and step inside the Fertile Mindset Sanctuary at