006 | Casually Saving 90% of Your Income | Lily @ The Frugal Gene

The Financial Independence Show - En podcast af Cody Berman and Justin Taylor


In today's episode, we get a chance to talk to Lily from The Frugal Gene about her accelerated path to financial independence. By choosing to avoid lifestyle inflation, Lily and her husband are able to save 90% of their income. The crazy part is that she thinks this is "normal"! Tune in to hear her incredible story about intentionality, happiness, and frugality.
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Key Takeaways

* You can never be too careful - Lily highlights the insane returns that investors have enjoyed during this bull market. She advises that you should build some kind of side income streams, or wait until the next recession hits before you pull the trigger on early retirement. Even though Lily and her husband are at FI by most standards, she suspects that they will continue to work for 10+ years in order to build a colossal safety net.
* Live the life you want to live TODAY - You don't need permission to pursue your dream lifestyle. Create a plan and take action! You don't have to take the "normal" route and suffer for countless years at a job you don't enjoy. If you don't like something... don't do it!
* The benefits of a high-cost-of-living area - If you are intentional with your money and with your savings, you can thrive in a HCOL area. Here are some of the benefits that Lily explains: Ability to charge higher rent, tons of free activities, access to public transportation, and more!

Links from the Episode
The Frugal Gene (Lily's Blog) | Twitter


Mr. Money Mustache

Financial Samurai

Fly to FI (Cody’s Blog)

Half Life Theory (TJ’s blog)

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