The Nurturer Pendulum – Beth Martens

You’re a helping spirit that gives your all to serve others. You love to contribute and give your support, but despite that you crash under the weight of it, and go from helping everyone, to helping no one. And then you heal, go into amnesia, start helping everyone again, and head for a new (same old) crash. It’s a vicious cycle. But you don’t have to stay stuck in it!! If you’d like to learn about how to break this archetypal pattern of the Nurturer you can sign up for free at this link: Getting Off the Nurturer's Pendulum Swing In it you’ll see how it's designed to take you from not knowing why you give, give, and give some more, to your own detriment, to knowing exactly why you give, to great satisfaction and with great conviction that keeps you always working towards greater sacred purpose. The Find Your Sacred Purpose online course is included as a free bonus to The Nurturer Cure live course. You're gonna love realizing how parallel issues in your life (things that seem like different problems in different areas) also actually live under the umbrella of the Nurturer's shadow too. Most importantly, I am going to share a step-by-step path for bringing this Nurturer shadow, of helping everyone, crashing, and helping no one, into the light of day where you see a clear path for being a truly a happy giver. That way you can make a huge difference for people in a way that your people can fully embrace and receive with joy! Because I know that if Nurturers had a better idea of not only who they are, but exactly how they help, and most importantly of all, who they help, they would be in a better position to preserve their precious energy that wills them to serve, and to give in ways that actually further their God-given, sacred purpose rather than deplete it. Beth Martens offers 20 years of business experience and provides simple tools, systems and strategies for building and up-leveling a service-based business. And, because a life’s work business triggers a woman’s deepest fears, I help guide them through the emotional underworld with archetypes and powerful releasing tools. I also show you how to get your message out authentically through teaching you how to tell your story to attract your audience and your clients. Through one-on-one coaching and online resources based on my 6-step system for building your life’s work as a business I guide my clients from the sense of being overwhelmed to only doing the right steps in a methodical and tried-and-true way that works. The Free Zone with Freeman Fly - Saturday 8pm EST Follow me on Twitter Watch the videos on Associate Producer: Steve Mercer Send comments and guest suggestions to [email protected]

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